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Copywriting: An Underestimated Conversion Influencer

Duration - 50 minutes
Rishi Rawat

Rishi Rawat

Founder, Frictionless Commerce

Vipul Bansal

Vipul Bansal

Sr. Marketing Manager, VWO

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There are tons of internet resources for what to test on your eCommerce website. Most focus on distinct elements like:

  • Changing buttons colors
  • Making search bar sticky
  • Showing or removing images
  • Hide or reveal other website elements

One reason is that it’s easy to track users’ interaction with these elements. Hence, by default, they become the primary targets of the optimization program.

But the power of copy is often overlooked.

There is a misconception that people don’t read product details and the associated description. This is wrong.

So, what is a marketer to do? Write copy that maintains attention and influences the subconscious.

Rishi Rawat, Founder of Frictionless Commerce, has been helping companies for the past 11+ years in finding conversion opportunities via copywriting. In this lecture, Rishi will reveal 12 copywriting proven strategies that will radically improve your A/B testing outcomes.

Read the entire transcription of this interview as well as the lessons on why copywriting is an underestimated conversion influencer

Key Takeaways

  • Examples for each of the 12 copywriting conversion triggers
  • A/B testing ideas for copywriting

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