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Cart Abandonment Campaigns

Re-engage cart abandoners. Bring them back in your sales funnel. Drive revenue.

Effectively engage, retarget, and retain your customers using push notifications and Facebook messages.

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cart abandonment recovery campaign through VWO engage

Convert lost opportunities into $$$

Cart Abandonment Campaigns to drive engagement, revenue, and retention for your business.

Cart abandonment campaign

Retarget users that add items to their cart but exit without purchasing. Create a series of automated push notifications to bring them back to your website, encouraging them to complete the purchase.

example of push notification to help reduce cart abandonment

Browse abandonment campaign

43.8% of website visitors browse product pages on a website but don’t add products to their shopping carts or make a purchase on that visit. Create browse abandonment campaigns to nudge these visitors to make a purchase.

an image of a cart abandonment campaign through push notifications

Booking abandonment campaign

81% of online travel bookings are abandoned, worth nearly $1.78 trillion dollars, Create a booking abandonment campaign to re-engage lost sale and thereby increase conversions.

example of push notification to help reduce cart abandonment on travel websites

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